From the domestic to the professional space, Brera Interni is dealer of 70+ brands including Lema, Giorgetti, Lago, Porada, Bonaldo, Cattelan Italia. For example, is a common choice, which allows users to send submissions to your magazine. Browse among 99+ product categories - from Furniture to Lighting, from Bath to Outdoor, from Kitchen to Living Room, Bedroom and Office - choose and shop any design item on our online platform. If you plan on serving as the editor for your magazine (e.g., for a literary journal), you will need to start gathering content from writers online. Gather content from online submitters.If you have a budget that can accommodate paying staff members, start by bringing on board one or two writers who share your passion for the topic of your magazine. Hire a staff to write your magazine content.If your magazine will not have a staff to begin with (which is pretty common), you may need to write every article yourself. There are three common ways to obtain content for your magazine: If you plan to only have a quarterly magazine, you will not need to generate content as quickly as if you plan to publish monthly. X Research source The urgency of generating content will vary, based on how often your magazine publishes. No magazine is truly “up and running” until it has begun to publish content online. Readers with busy schedules may find your magazine more accessible if its contents (or at least links to online content) are delivered directly to their inbox. Although online magazines are usually website-based, consider providing some of the magazine content via email subscription.This will allow your readers to receive updates and information about your magazine. Create a subscription link on the web page.Use social media-reach out to friends and friends of friends on Facebook.Prominently feature your magazine’s URL, and pass these cards out to everyone you know. Make business cards and pass them out in person.Send work to that community (e.g., through a forum post) and consider their input on your content. To generate your audience, look for an already existing online community that has an interest in same topic your magazine covers.Consider using one or more of these means to build up an audience: X Research source In business terms, you will need to market your magazine in person and online, in order to attract new readership. Make sure that your writing is clear, concise, and is tightly focused.Build up an audience for your magazine. Persuade-Both short- and long-form writing ultimately have the goal of persuading readers to a given point of view or course of action.When magazine articles go viral, you have the opportunity to drive cultural conversation. Spark debate-Journalism should expose readers to a variety of viewpoints.With the advent of digital magazines, your audience can be directed immediately to the point of sale. Interni Magazine 612 THe MaGazInE OF INTeRIors AND coNTeMPoraRY DesIGN N 6 GIuGno/JUNE 2011 MensILe/moNTHLY ITaLIa 8 A 16 B 15 CH Chf 20 E 14 F 15 GR 14. Founded in 1954, Interni Magazine is an indispensable tool for orientation in the world of interiors and product design. Entice to buy-Magazines and catalogs are ideal showcases for goods and services. The magazine of interiors and contemporary design.The combination of photography, graphic design, and human interest articles should draw your readers in. Entertain-People subscribe to print and digital magazines because they’re fun.The text of the magazine should be accurate, thoroughly researched, and well-written. Inform-Articles should add value for the reader.Here are some goals to keep in mind as you put your magazine together: ingegneri, architetti, geometri, imprese, aziende, enti, produttori, amministrazioni, rivenditori, installatori (Italia). Some are heavily informational, while others aim primarily to entertain. Different types of magazines have different purposes.